subota, 26. studenoga 2016.


Ups,sorry! I promised you that Friday will be music day - but yesterday I went to see this awsome movie called "ALLIED" with Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard. AMAZING MOVIE!! I recommend! ❤

So it's not really a new music,but it's really special song THE CHAINSMOKERS ft. Halsey - CLOSER. I like the "WE ARE NEVER GETTING OLDER."
Because I think,no matter what - we should live the life. To the fullest. And ofcourse somethimes we need to be careful when we need to decide - buut ONE IS LIFE.

This song kinda reminds me of that.

BDW,they have new song ALL WE KNOW - so go check! ❤

Oprostite ekipo! Obecala sam da ce petak biti dan za glazbu,a ja umjesto toga otisla gledati TAJNA VEZA s Brad Pittom. Odlican film! Preporucujem! :)

Dakle,taj muzicki petak....Evo jedna pjesma koja nije bas nesto nova,al me podsjeca na smisao zivotni - THE CHAINSMOKERS - Closer.
Pogotovo citat iz pjesme NIKAD NECEMO ODRASTI.Mislim da bi svatko trebao zivjeti u zivotu - iskoristiti ga do punog potencijala - naravno trebalo bi razmisljati o odlukama - ali opet ne premisljati se. Ova pjesma me podsjeca na to.

Inace,imaju novu pjesmu ALL WE KNOW.

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