utorak, 22. studenoga 2016.

NIKE - Bella Hadid

Hej! Da vas upoznam sa supersportskim brendom NIKE,jedan od najjacih brendova na svijetu. Nudi ugodnost i stil tokom sportskog zivota - a da ne kazemo kako im je odjeca njami njami! ❤


Osoba koja ce predstavljati NIKE za narednu godinu biti ce Bella Hadid. Inace nedavno su se pojavile kritike na racun njezinog izgleda,kako bi NIKE trebao odabrati nekoga tko "sportskije" izgleda (jer je Bella mrsavica) - ali po meni to je stereotipno. Ako cura izgleda fit,zasto ne?

Radujemo se slikama!

A do tad klik na NIKE po detalje za shopping! <3


Hey! Let me introduce you to NIKE,sportish and stylish brand that not only is super hot - it gives you comfort during sportish days. It's one most strongest brand in the world. For next year NIKE introduced BELLA HADID as their model. She and NIKE got slammed why is she NIKE model (because she is skinny,and NIKE is sports brand). For me that is stereotype. Everyone should get chance - and Bella is beautiful!

Dear peeps, that is it for now - and go to NIKE  (CLICK) - and shoop! <3


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